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Adrienne Bailon New Hairstyles

Adrienne Bailon New Hairstyles

Adrienne Bailon New Hairstyles

Adrienne Bailon New Hairstyles

Adrienne Bailon New Hairstyles

Adrienne Bailon New Hairstyles

Adrienne Bailon New Hairstyles

Adrienne Bailon New Hairstyles

A Rainy Day

Happy Memorial Day Everyone! I apologize this is going to be a quick, photo intensive post. Quick because I don't have much time to blog at the moment (due to family activities), and photo intensive because the hubby took so many good pics this day that I just couldn't narrow it down anymore than this.

These photos are from a few days ago. It was a very rainy, cold day but the sun came out for a bit while we were taking pics. I pulled out my cute tulle raincoat that I've yet to had tailored, (it was on a super good sale so I bought it a size big) and threw on some tights to keep warm.

We found this awesome mini-lake a few blocks above our apartment close to the mountains. It's so gorgeous! I can't wait to visit again in the summer and maybe have a picnic!

Hope you're all having an awesome long weekend and not having to work! This is my first Holiday off since I came out of the retail world and started working at the bank..  Thanks to all the veterans who fought for our rights and to all the loved ones we've lost.

Outfit Details:
dress (worn as skirt) - H&M
top - DIY
raincoat - Tulle
tights - Forever21
shoes - Cotton On
bag - Vintage

Katy Perry Best Gown : Mostly Expensive

Elegant and glamour gown that's combine by white and black flower pattern. she looks very beautiful and sexy like a princess.

This gown has unique material combination, the color are softly, suitable for her clear skin. The design are mostly same with before.  Stiil seems beautiful and sexy.

Elegant white gown with simple design. Katty perry smile on taking picture sessio at te gramy. very classic appearance withou leaving it’s glamor side
 Nomination of Katy Perry Best Gown – Bright and elegant gown
Nomination of Katy Perry Best Gown – Perfect combination of color gradation

New Looks of katty perry. by coloring her hair with blue,, she seems freshly and get difference from others. her gown also glamomur and seems very – very expensive from famous designers.
Nomination of Katy Perry Best Gown – She Seems a bride with long gown
Nomination of Katy Perry Best Gown — Like a Real Princess

Sorensen Home Museum

While driving to Ikea last weekend (or maybe the weekend before that...) we found this cute litte old house. It's an antique home turned into a museum. It was closed but we snuck a peek inside and it was full of awesome antiques! I'd love to take a tour sometime.


I loved the white picket fence, tall skinny windows and pretty garden complete with an intricate dusty blue metal chair.

This is the first time I've brought out this skirt since the weather's been warmer. It was a staple for me last summer. Perfect length, beautiful floral pattern, perfect colors. I just love it.

The only thing I didn't like about these gorgeous flowers was the bees. I happen to be irrationally fearful of the things. I get serious anxiety about it. Let's just not discuss it...lol.

Outfit Details:
skirt - Shade
top - Ross
sweater - Urban Wear
necklace - Etsy
shoes -Target

DIY Coffee Filter Wreath

It's Craft Sunday time! Or Craft Monday....?? Anyway, here's my tutorial on this gorgeous wreath! I made one for my Mom and one for my Mother In-Law for Mother's Day last week. They turned out so pretty I might have to make one for myself! --After recooping of course, they're a lot of work!!

Coffee Filter Wreath

Supplies you'll need:
- 1 foam wreath (I got mine at WalMart)
- about 1.5 yards of ribbon (depending on the length you want)
- 3-4 different colors of acrylic paint
- between 200&300 coffee filters
- 1 roll of masking tape
- a hot glue gun
- a pair of scissors

First, mix your paint with water until you have a milky consistency. Then dye the coffee filters by dunking them in the paint and letting them sit for a few minutes. You can dye 20-30 filters at a time.

After they've sat for a minute, wring them out and hang them up to dry. If you have a clothes line to hang them on that's awesome! I just basically used my entire apartment. This specific photo is of our headboard. Haha.

Once the filters have dried, take 3 at a time (you can use anywhere from 2-4 but I find 3 to be best) and stack them on top of each other. Fold in half once and then again so you have a triangle shape. Then cut the outside into scallops like a flower. Next cut the triangle into 2 parts (photo #2) When you unfold the filters you should have 3 rings and 3 small circles.

Take the 3 circles and twist them in a figure 8 to make the center of the flower. Take about 18 inches or so of tape and tape them down as shown. Next cut a slit in the rings and starting with 1 ring, tape the first end down and ruffle the filter as you tape it down. Do the same with the other 3 rings, leaving a little tape at the end.

Now, starting at the end with the twisted centers, roll the tape up, shaping the flower as you go along. When you finish you'll have a beautiful paper flower. Cut the tape on the bottom so it's flat enough to glue down. Now repeat, repeat, repeat until you have enough flowers to cover your wreath.

Once you've exhausted yourself making flowers, it's time for the next best part; hot gluing them to the wreath. (I covered my wreath with fabric before beginning to glue).

The last step is to tie your ribbon to the length you want it and glue it to the back of your wreath. Then you're all done!! Tah Dah! A totally gorgeous wreath made out of simple coffee filters!

Both my Mom and my Mother In-Law hung theirs on the front door. I think it would also look gorgeous simply hanging on the wall.

I also gave both Moms a refill of Bath and Body Works' wallflowers. I painted an egg carton to store them in and made tags with scrapbook paper and ribbon for a more personal touch.

Casual Friday

TGIF!! This week seems to have dragged on... I'm so ready for the weekend. Tomorrow's schedule is pretty full but I'm determined to get some rest in before Monday comes around.

These pics aren't actually from today but let's face it, I'm a little behind on posting and I was too lazy to put together the tutorial on my awesome Mother's Day Craft...be expecting that soon!

This particular day I was feeling very casual so I threw on some skinnies and my favorite blazer for a comfy cute outfit to go run errands in. (Oh and play on the swings with the hubby too) It's nice to have a few favorites on those rare occasions when you don't want to put too much thought into what to wear.

Outfit Details:
jeans - Lovesick
tank - thrifted JCrew
blazer - Forever21
shoes - Head Over Heels
belt - thrifted

Alyson Hannigan New Hairstyles

Alyson Hannigan New Hairstyles

 Alyson Hannigan was a one of my favorite female Celebrity Actress.I loved her acting style in her movies.So i have collect some new hairstyles pictures of Alyson Hannigan.

Alyson Hannigan New Hairstyles

Alyson Hannigan New Hairstyles

Alyson Hannigan New Hairstyles

Alyson Hannigan New Hairstyles

Alyson Hannigan New Hairstyles