Vintage Velvet Goodness

That's right people! This baby is vintage, velvet, and floral!! If only it was mine to keep. Sigh.... Marisa lent it to me through Flock Together and I think I showed some SERIOUS restraint returning it to her. I may have worn it more than once before doing so. But hello! Three of my favorite things all rolled into one gorgeous package?! How could I not fall in love with this beauty? Not even the slightly large fit could detract from it's perfection. I simply added a belt and it drew in the waist just right!
 So remember that one time I had breakfast at Tiffany's? Well, I got invited back to preview a new exclusive collection today! My morning is off to a beautiful start! Promise they'll be pics to come :)
Is everyone else as ready for the weekend as me? I swear the work week gets longer every week and I can never be satisfied with sleep. I think humans should hibernate. I'm boycotting this whole work and being social thing until the weather decides to be reasonable. Sounds fair, right?
 Outfit Details:
Dress - Borrowed from Marisa
Tights - Forever Young
Boots - Forever Young
Headband - Target

White Out (Flock Together)

Hello Dears!
I'm over at Flock Together today sharing my take on this lovely vintage polka-dot dress of Hannah's. Come check it out!
P.S. Thanks for all the sweet birthday wishes for Ethan on my last post :)

UPDATE : I'm being featured as Pretty Of The Week over at Get Your Pretty On! Thanks Alison!! :)
(also linking to WIWW and Rolled Up Pretty)

Ethan's Birthday (& winners!)

As I mentioned on Friday, my dear Hubby's birthday was Saturday. He turned 23 on the 23rd! (I hadn't heard this until just barely but apparently when you turn the age of the day of the month you were born on it's your "Golden Birthday" -supposedly your best birthday ever)
Anyway, since I didn't really have anything ready to post today and because I think my man is pretty cute and he doesn't make it on the blog enough, I decided I'd share some photos from his big day!
I made this card for him. I like to hand-make my cards, but they seem to always be for girls... I think I did a pretty good job making it look manly? P.S. - I'm so clever, I folded up a $20 bill like a shirt for him to use towards a band tee at the concert!
We had Lunch/Dinner at one of Ethan's favorite local restaurants, Chubby's. They have some pretty cute decor, but we found this sign kind of funny (and racist...). I got my usual, a fresh-made veggie burger and he got some meat with more meat on top like he loves to do :) (blech!)
Next we stopped for Coffee on the way to the concert since we had some time to kill. I had an amazing caramel pecan latte! But I forgot that I had a Pepsi at the restaurant just before that...caffeine overload!!
I thought this building was pretty cool. We saw it on our walk from the car to the concert venue. I wish we had time to take pics in front of it!
And then Ethan's favorite part of the night that really made it his best birthday yet:
He was already pretty stoked that one of his favorite bands, 10 years, was playing on his birthday but then he got a chance to meet the lead singer, Jesse Hasek after the show and get his new t-shirt signed and that REALLY made his night!! It was a really good show and I love this venue because it's smaller so you get such an intimate performance.
And since this is a style's what I wore to the concert:
I tried to keep it simple and wear a few layers since it was a blizzard that night and we had to wait outside for quite a bit before the concert started.
Outfit Details:
Jeans - Forever Young
Top - Papaya
Chambray Top - H&M
Leather Jacket - T.J. Maxx
And the WINNERS of the $30 JUNIEblake  gift cards are....
#71 - Kym Nye
#10 - April Hansen
CONGRATS Girls!! I'll be emailing you ASAP.
(click here to see the rafflecoptor results)
Screen Shot 2013-02-24 at 7.10.22 PM

Deer, Dear

Ah, Friday! How I love the end of the week. And this weekend is sure to be a good one! Tomorrow is my Dear Hubby's birthday and one of his favorite bands happens to be playing! Lucky duck. So we'll probably be grabbing a bite to eat in celebration and then heading to Salt Lake for a good show! Sunday will most likely be spent unwinding and watching the Oscars. The perfect mix of excitement and relaxation.
My lovely little sister gave this cute deer sweater to me. I was swooning over it while sitting in her room one day and she surprised me by telling me I could have it since she didn't wear it enough. I LOVE it! It's a couple sizes too big so I'll probably have it taken in when I get around to it.. but for now it's over-sized and comfy :)
So funny story, a couple weeks ago when we took these photos, we decided to drive up the canyon a little ways just as the sun was coming down. We pulled into a snow-covered parking lot, took some photos and then got back into the car to go, but the car wouldn't budge. The tires just kept spinning and spinning and it was FREEZING cold! Ethan got out and tried pushing and even shoveling the snow out from under the tires with the ice scraper but we didn't get much further. We got kind of worried since we had no cell service in the canyon and there hadn't been any cars passing by but a few minutes later a nice man saw our hazard lights and stopped to help us. With the two guys pushing and me pumping the gas peddle we finally made it out! It was kinda scary though! No more snowy adventures for my little car!
Outfit Details:
Top & Necklace - Target
Sweater - Forever 21 (gift from sister)
Skirt - Downeast
Tights - H&M
Booties - Rue 21

>>Don't forget to enter the JUNIEblake Giveaway! Monday is the last day<<

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
It's not just this sweater I love, I'm obsessing over all things animals right now. (especially foxes) so I'm linking up to Falling for Friday with a few picks from Etsy (mostly jewelry). My mom would love that little sea turtle necklace!

Falling For Friday

Black & White

I can't believe it's already hump day again! This week is speeding by with that long weekend! Which is fine with me, except Ethan's birthday is this weekend and I don't have his present yet... better get on that pronto!
So, we took these photos this morning and I edited them lightning speed (can you tell?) because I really wanted to do the black & white trend challenge over at Marionberry Style. I've actually been wanting to join in the monthly trends for a while but I always miss her announcement. I had my mom take some photos on my lunch break yesterday but the lighting ended up being weird and then I decided I didn't really like what I was here's take two!
(Oh, and I closed my eyes in like 75% of the pics so some of the "better" ones look like this ^)
I just found this darling striped cardigan on sale at the Downeast outlet store in Park City over the weekend. I love that it has the crocheted lace on it so it adds some girliness to the stripes trend. Plus, it was on sale so....I had to have it! Right? Unfortunately all they had left was an assortment of XXS and XL. I've always found their clothing to run a little big so I took a chance and tried the XXS and what do you know! It fits perfectly!! 

In case you were wondering we had an awesome Valentine's weekend. We spent the day Saturday snow tubing at Gorgonza park followed by some shopping in Park City and then finished the night with a romantic dinner at the Melting Pot (a fancy fondue restaurant) where we enjoyed some AMAZING cheeses whipped up right before our eyes. It was pretty awesome :)
Hope you're all having a joy-filled week! Don't forget to enter my JUNIEblake Giveaway :)

Outfit Details:
Blouse & Pants - Forever 21
Cardigan - Downeast
Shoes - Steve Madden via Ross (DIY painted soles)
Headband - ModCloth
Bracelets - c/o YuniKelley, Gift

JUNIEblake Giveaway!

Happy President's Day! Hopefully you're all enjoying a day off like me!
 I have another awesome giveaway for you today!!
The lovely JUNIEblake is offering 2 of my readers a $30 giftcard to their shop!
If you've never heard of them, JUNIEblake describes themselves as "where modest meets fashion forward thinking and great design taste." Remember this post from forever ago? I'm wearing the Kelly skirt that I won in a giveaway. I absolutely love the damask pattern and vintage feel. (I was actually planning on taking new photos in it for this post but ran out of time this weekend - oops!) They have great longer-length skirts and dresses and even some really cute scarfs! Plus, I hear their New Spring Collection is coming out super soon!
Enter using the Rafflecoptor below. The giveaway will be open until next Monday, Feb. 25.
Good Luck!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Hairstyles for 2013 Trends

Hairstyles 2013

The chance to get new and pretty hairstyles for 2013 is the best one you can have this year. With the new cut, there is big opportunity to have much more flattering face which can make your life into a better one. There are just so many haircuts available for you from the simple and modest short haircut to the elegant and classic long haircut. Just make sure you know the right one before having your hair cut.

The first thing to do is recognizing the facial shape you have. Is it round, oval, long or heart-shaped? Then, find the available best haircuts for each facial type. After you have found the inspiring ideas, ask your hairstylist to help choosing the right one. Once you did that, you will enjoy lovely hairstyles for 2013.

Long Bob Hairstyles 2013 Hair Dos

Have you ever considered getting long bob hairstyles 2013? Perhaps, you will be surprised knowing how fabulous the cuts can be especially if you have oval or long face shape.  The very first thing about the cuts is they are highly recommended for women who to have simple cut. Indeed, they are also known to be perfect for active women who love outdoor activities.

The cuts are much easier to care that you only need a comb and perhaps few hair pins to make them stay beautiful. You can also create lots of great hair-dos including buns and braids. All in one, long bob hairstyles 2013 are conditional that can give you different looks with only a simply hair-do.

Happy Day, Valentine.

Happy Valentine's Day Lovers!!
I'm being featured along with a few other local bloggers today on Fashion Utah. Come check it out! Everyone is sharing their favorite red accessory. (mine being my velvet boots, second only to red lips of course) I couldn't take just one pic though, so here's a few more for you.
Hope you all have a lovely day :)
Outfit Details:
Dress - Papaya
Tights - Target
Necklace - c/o Chictopia
Boots - H&M
(Linking to Casual Friday @ Two Thirty-Five Designs)

Short Hair Cut For Ladies

Pictures gallery of short hair cut for ladies

Short Hairstyles 2012 Short Haircuts for Women Men

Short Hairstyles 2012 Short Haircuts for Women Men

Short hairstyles. A picture gallery of short hair cuts.

Short hairstyles. A picture gallery of short hair cuts.

Short Hairstyles 2012 Short Haircuts Pictures and Tips

Short Hairstyles 2012 Short Haircuts Pictures and Tips

Short Hairstyles 2012 Short Haircuts 2012 2012 Short Hairstyles

Short Hairstyles 2012 Short Haircuts 2012 2012 Short Hairstyles

Short hairstyles for women 2012 Photos of trendy short haircuts

Short hairstyles for women 2012 Photos of trendy short haircuts

Short Hair Styles for Ladies

Short Hair Styles for Ladies

Cute Short Haircuts Cute Sexy Haircuts for Women

Cute Short Haircuts Cute Sexy Haircuts for Women

Very Short Haircuts for Ladies Buzzle

Very Short Haircuts for Ladies Buzzle

Short Hairstyles for Women Beautiful Hairstyles

Short Hairstyles for Women Beautiful Hairstyles

Short Hairstyles for Women Over 50 Pictures How-to's and Tips

Short Hairstyles for Women Over 50 Pictures How-to's and Tips